


HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400CanNotModifyIndustryThe industry information of the instance cannot be modified.实例的行业信息不能修改。诊断
400ChargeTypeErrorThe instance billing method is invalid.实例付费类型错误。诊断
500CreateInstanceFailAn error occurred while creating the instance.创建实例失败。诊断
400CurrentIndustryNotSupportThisSceneThe current industry does not support the specified scenario.当前指定的行业信息不支持指定的场景。诊断
404DataSetNotExistThe specified dataset does not exist.您指定的数据集不存在。诊断
403DataSetRemoveForbiddenThe dataset cannot be deleted because it is still in use.当前数据集在线上提供服务,禁止删除。诊断
400DataSetVersionNumExceededThe number of dataset versions has exceeded the system limit.数据集版本个数超过系统限制。诊断
400DataSourceTableNameIncorrectThe specified table name is invalid.指定的表名不正确。诊断
400DataSourceUnavailableAn error occurred while validating the data source.数据源校验失败。诊断
400EmptyDocumentThe submitted document is empty.您提交的文档为空。诊断
400EmptyPurchasesInfoThe order information is empty.空订单。诊断
503FetchDocumentBackendErrorAn error occurred while accessing the backend service.访问Feed服务失败。诊断
400UpdateInfoCanNotBeNullYou must specify the data to be modified.请指定要修改的信息。诊断
400UpdateInfoContainIllegalPropertiesAn attribute is invalid.要修改的信息包含非法属性。诊断
401UserNotLoginYou have not logged on. Log on and try again.当前用户未登录,请先登录。诊断
401UserUnauthorizedYou are not authorized to perform this operation.当前用户没有权限。诊断
400ValidationErrorAn error occurred while validating.校验失败。诊断
503FetchQuotaErrorAn error occurred while retrieving the quota information.获取配额信息失败。诊断
403InstanceExpiredOrInArrearsThe instance has expired or has stopped running due to overdue payment. Renew the instance and try again.实例已过期或欠费停服,请您续费后再进行操作。诊断
404InstanceNotExistThe specified instance does not exist.您指定的实例不存在。诊断
500InternalServerErrorAn internal server error occurred.系统内部错误。诊断
400InvalidDataSourceTimestampThe time when data starts to be replicated to MaxCompute is invalid. Modify the timestamp of the data source.错误的ODPS时间戳,请修改数据源的时间戳。诊断
400InvalidDataSourceTypeThe data source type is invalid.错误的数据源类型。诊断
400InvalidIndustryThe industry name is invalid.错误的行业名称。诊断
400InvalidQuota.InstanceIdYou must specify the instance ID.未指定实例ID。诊断
400InvalidQuota.ItemCountThe specified number of documents of the item table has exceeded the system limit.您指定的item表的文档数超过系统限制。诊断
400InvalidQuota.QPSThe value of QPS has exceeded the system limit.您指定的QPS超过系统限制。诊断
400InvalidQuota.UserCountThe specified number of documents of the user table has exceeded the system limit.您指定的user表的文档数超过系统限制。诊断
400InvalidSchemaIdThe schema ID is invalid.错误的schema ID。诊断
400InvalidTableNameThe specified table name is invalid.您指定的表名称不正确。诊断
400MustModifyQuotaYou must specify the quota.修改的配额信息不能为空。诊断
400MustSelectIndustryYou must specify the industry.行业信息必须指定。诊断
400NameFormatErrorThe instance name is invalid. The instance name must be 0 to 30 characters in length and can contain underscores (_) and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter, number, or Chinese character.名称不符合规范,长度为0-30个字符,以大小字母,数字或中文开头,可包含“_”或“-”。诊断
400NotExistIndustryThe industry name does not exist.没有此行业名称。诊断
400QuotaItemCountValueIllegalThe value of document quantity of the item table in the quota information is invalid.配额信息item表文档数的值非法。诊断
400QuotaQpsValueIllegalThe value of QPS in quota information is invalid.配额信息QPS值非法。诊断
400QuotaUserCountValueIllegalThe value of document quantity of the user table in the quota information is invalid.配额信息user表文档数的值非法。诊断
500RemoveInstanceFailAn error occurred while deleting the instance.删除实例失败。诊断
413RequestBodyTooLargeThe size of the request body that you submitted has exceeded the system limit.您本次提交的body信息超过系统限制。诊断
503RequestKnightErrorAn error occurred while accessing the backend service.访问后端服务失败。诊断
400UnsupportedOrderTypeThe order type is not supported.不支持的订单类型。诊断
400UnsupportedRefundTypeThe refund type is not supported.不支持的退款类型。诊断
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